Munching Monday – warm, comforting and healthy tomato and bean soup


This is a heart warming, healthy and easy recipe which you can whip up in a flash.  Seriously this recipe is so fast to make and once you have chucked everything in the pot you can sit back and relax for 45mins.   My meat loving husband commented last night “this is seriously very tasty!”, quite something for someone who likes meat at every meal!  With the cold weather on its way, I thought it would be a good idea to post a few of my soup recipes.  Until a year ago I had never really tried cooking soup, but I’m glad I tried because once you have done a few, they are pretty easy to do.  Below is the recipe for the tomato and bean soup.  If you have a meat loving husband or family, you can grill some bacon and add it right at the end.  Here it is:

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