Tipsy Tuesday: never go hungry again


This is something I have been doing for a number of years, and it has saved me from inhaling (I would inhale the food because I ate it so fast!) whatever was in sight as soon as there was something around to eat because I was so so ravenous!  Whatever you do, don’t ever let yourself get too hungry without access to good quality food, that is the super highway to lack of will-power and disappointment because you couldn’t stop yourself from eating something that you know you shouldn’t  be eating.  Whenever I leave the house or know I’m going to be out without access to good quality food, I always put a piece of fruit in my bag along with a small container of nuts/dried organic apricots/raisins.  That means that if I’m ever caught short and feel hunger pangs, all I need to do is reach for my nuts/fruit and I will be okay for the next hour or so until I can get back home or find some good quality wholefood nearby.

It is a great habit to get in to, easy to do and will make the world of difference to you.  It takes minimal effort to pack these few things into your handbag/car but the results are great.

Go on, try it!