Munching Monday: a veggie juice to help reduce sugar cravings


If you battle with sugar cravings and tend to find yourself reaching for that sugary snack at about the 3pm mark, instead of reaching for your usual ‘fix’ why not try this apple, celery and cinnamon vegetable juice?  This juice has all the right ingredients to ease your sugar craving and balance your blood sugar levels thanks to the added cinnamon which is my favourite.  Here is the recipe:

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A f.r.e.e 3 day juice cleanse menu

I was first introduced to juicing 8 years ago when I was living in London.  I bought a book by an inspirational man called Jason Vale (aka The Juicemaster).  I read it from cover to cover and it simply and effortlessly explained the benefits of juicing, why a daily vegetable juice should be part of your everyday diet and included many recipes too.  According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of The Super Immunity Diet, juicing helps unleash the natural healing power of the body. Juicing floods your system with powerful nutrients and antioxidants.  Since my London days, the world of juicing and using vegetable juices to cleans and detoxify the body has exploded.  Everywhere I turn I see a juice cleanse or another book that has been written on the benefits of juicing.  So if it’s supposed to be so good for you, what are the benefits and where do you start?  Read on to find out more.

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