Thought provoking Thursday: do this one thing to start living a creative and abundant life


How often do you not do something because you fear you may be wrong or that you may fail?  I know I am guilty of that and it is something that I’m working on.  If we are never wrong or we never fail, how will we ever learn?  Growth begins on the edge of our comfort zone.  Make a point of regularly living out of your comfort zone, you will be amazed at what this will bring into your life.  You are more likely to regret what you didn’t do rather than what you did do.  So go ahead, be a bit crazy, take a few chances and live on the edge.

POSITIVE AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: I love and respect myself, even when I am wrong or when I fail.

Thought provoking Thursday: let go, what will be will be


When your life is unfolding in a way that you didn’t want it to, just remember, whatever will be will be.  A simple truth: You are exactly where you are meant to be right now and your life is unfolding just as it should even if the reasons are not apparent right now (a very comforting thought eh?).  You always have a choice as to how you would like to react to any given situation, that is what separates the winners from the losers.

Live well everyone xx

Thought provoking Thursday: What are you waiting for?



Is there something that you are putting off because you feel that you are ‘not quite ready’?  If we find ourselves in this position, we are usually procrastinating.  Just get on with it and do it, you will never feel totally ready and if you do feel ready the opportunity may have passed by then.  Get into it love! xx

Tipsy Tuesday: Simple ways to cultivate gratitude in your life

I’m sure you have been told time and time again about the benefits of practising gratitude daily, but how many of us have actually made this a priority?  After I was diagnosed this was one of the many things I focused on.  Between practising gratitude, positive affirmations/thinking and eating well, I managed to come out of a year’s cancer therapy on top!  Imagine what practising gratitude can do for you if it helped me beat cancer huh?! Continue reading