Tipsy Tuesday: a tip for eating healthy on a budget


I often get asked if my weekly food bill has increased since I changed my diet and started including heaps more fresh veg and fruit into my diet.  The short answer is yes…BUT there is a BUT in it too.  There are tips and tricks to becoming a savvy healthy grocery shopper.  Once you learn those tips and tricks, your food bill comes down again to a level which is more than manageable.  One of my tips is to buy some of your food from bulk bins.  For example, instead of buying a packet of quinoa in the aisles of your supermarket buy your quinoa from the bulk bins.  You won’t be paying for pretty packaging and it will be much cheaper.  I often buy most of my nuts, beans, oats, quinoa, popcorn kernels and lentils from the bulk bins.  Go on…try it, it’s well worth it!  Those bins don’t bite you know! 🙂