Thought provoking Thursday: make your life worth living



When I was diagnosed with cancer last year, I literally did feel like my life flashed before my eyes.  To be honest, I wasn’t happy with what I saw.  Since then, I have made a lot of changes to how I perceive situations, what is important to me, loving myself a whole lot more, what I eat and the list goes on.  As a result of that, I truly feel that only now, have I really started living the life I was supposed to live, it’s just unfortunate that I had to have cancer to ‘wake-up’.  But I have learnt from the experience and I can share what I have learnt with you, so that you never have to go through a life threatening diagnosis in order to have a good think about your life.  A good way to think about it is this.  If you had 3mnths left to live, would you be happy to carry on living the life that you’re living now and leave this world feeling satisfied that you were living an authentic and fulfilled life?  I know it may not be as black and white as that, but maybe it’s time to scrutinise how you are living your life and be honest with yourself about areas that you are not so happy with that you could change.  Don’t wait for a life changing event to make the changes needed.  What are you waiting for?

Live well everyone x

10 healthy alternatives to the ‘not so good for you’ foods that you enjoy


I believe that being healthy shouldn’t be painful, restrictive and time-consuming.  Being healthy is not about counting calories or denying yourself the foods that you love.  True health and wellbeing is about making smarter food choices.  I truly believe that if people educated themselves on how to cook from scratch, learnt about what foods their bodies really needed and started observing and listening to what their bodies were crying out for instead of eating emotionally, we would all be well on our way to leading much healthier, happier lives.  After all, what we eat affects the way that we feel, look, behave and sleep and ultimately how and when we die (unless you die of something totally unrelated to your health), so it would make sense to ensure that you make smart food choices at least 80% of the time.  Below are 10 easy healthy alternatives to foods that you think you love:-

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Thought provoking Thursday: let go, what will be will be


When your life is unfolding in a way that you didn’t want it to, just remember, whatever will be will be.  A simple truth: You are exactly where you are meant to be right now and your life is unfolding just as it should even if the reasons are not apparent right now (a very comforting thought eh?).  You always have a choice as to how you would like to react to any given situation, that is what separates the winners from the losers.

Live well everyone xx

Food Revolution Day : cook it, share it, live it – May 17th, 2013

FRD_LogoI discovered Food Revolution Day when I was shopping at our local fruit and veg store.  They had a poster up which immediately caught my eye.  When I got home, I went online to find out more and this is what I found.  Below is a video by Chef Jamie Oliver talking about Food Revolution Day and what it is all about.  All very exciting stuff!

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Thought provoking Thursday: Life is too short to…

Surround yourself with people that make you happy so that once they have left, you feel even better than before they arrived xx
