Tipsy Tuesday: a tip for eating healthy on a budget


I often get asked if my weekly food bill has increased since I changed my diet and started including heaps more fresh veg and fruit into my diet.  The short answer is yes…BUT there is a BUT in it too.  There are tips and tricks to becoming a savvy healthy grocery shopper.  Once you learn those tips and tricks, your food bill comes down again to a level which is more than manageable.  One of my tips is to buy some of your food from bulk bins.  For example, instead of buying a packet of quinoa in the aisles of your supermarket buy your quinoa from the bulk bins.  You won’t be paying for pretty packaging and it will be much cheaper.  I often buy most of my nuts, beans, oats, quinoa, popcorn kernels and lentils from the bulk bins.  Go on…try it, it’s well worth it!  Those bins don’t bite you know! 🙂

Thought provoking Thursday: let your inner light shine


Don’t let anyone ever tell you you are not good enough.  By doing that, they are ‘dulling your sparkle’.  After all, who are they to dull your sparkle?  Let your inner light shine no matter what, go on, you owe it to yourself!

Tipsy Tuesday: an easy way to plan your weekly menu ahead of time


How often do you get to the end of your day and think ‘right, whats for dinner tonight?’.  Or you start making a real yummy dish and then realise half way through that you don’t have all the ingredients!  How annoying is that?!

Well, I have the perfect solution for you, a ‘chalkboard menu’.  The picture above is a photo of our chalkboard menu at home.  We just painted one of the cupboard doors in the kitchen with chalkboard paint and hey presto, we had a chalkboard!  I spend about 10 mins each weekend having a think about what to make for dinner the following week, put it up on the chalkboard and then shop accordingly.  That way I always know that I have ALL the ingredients that I need for my dish, I’m not having to pop in and out of grocery stores every 2nd day AND its a wonderful way of being organised when you feel not so inspired on what to cook after a long day in the office or at home with the kids.  If you don’t feel like going so far as to making your own chalkboard, just write your dinner ideas down in your diary or on a piece of paper and stick it to the fridge.  The benefits will be the same, except for no fancy modern looking chalkboard in your kitchen.

Go on, try it, and see how you go.

If you thought this idea was awesome, share it with your friends by hitting the Facebook or Twitter buttons below.

Stay well everyone xx

A simple, free, easy technique to blow away stress that you can do anywhere


I had the opportunity to attend a ‘blow your stress away’ course over the past weekend which turned out to be not only eye-opening, but I was able to walk away from the course armed with techniques for combating everyday stress that will cost me nothing.  The course also gave us practical wisdom for improving the quality of our lives.  This is invaluable in the fast paced, overly stressed society that we find ourselves living in today.

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Tipsy Tuesday: how to ripen an avo super quick

ganze und halbe avocado isoliert auf weiss

Here is me going on about avos again!  I read somewhere ages ago that this was the way to ripen avos, but I had never tried it until a few months ago when I was desperate to have ripened avos in a few days time, but the avos that I had were rock hard.  Put them in a brown paper bag!  I promise you it works!  Put the whole avo in a brown paper bag, close the paper bag and wait a few days and within a few days you will have lovely ripe avos super fast!

Try it, you will be surprised!