Thought provoking Thursday: 4 “agreements” to make with yourself

Each day I get a dose of ‘Daily Love’ straight into my inbox from Mastin Kipp who is the creator and founder of ‘The Daily Love’.  The daily quotes and bits of advice are sometimes just what I need to keep me focused and inspired.  The below came into my inbox on Monday and I really enjoyed reading it, I’m sure you will do too.

Tipsy Tuesday: 1 tip that relieves 6 different health complaints & doesn’t cost a cent


Can you guess what it is??  I am a big fan of Dr Libby Weaver.  Dr Libby is one of AustraIasia’s leading nutrition and weight loss experts.  She has a passion for empowering people to make optimum health choices.  I read her book ‘Rushing Women’s syndrome’ and felt like the book had been written for me.  Since reading that book and using the knowledge that I gained from the book, I have begun to teach myself to slow down, started making a point of nourishing myself regularly and paid attention to my mind and what type of thoughts I have daily.  This is one of the keys to ensuring complete/true health on an ongoing basis.  Even if you have not had a health dilemma, paying attention to these things will improve the way that you feel and improve your life dramatically.  So, what is the one thing that can help elevate PMS, mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, poor sleep and stress?  Read on to find out:-

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Thoughtful Thursday: is doubt stopping you from doing what you really want to do?


When has doubt in your capabilities ever stopped you from doing what you wanted to do, or from following your heart?  I know that doubt has stopped me more times than I can remember from doing things I really wanted to do.  We need to learn that its okay to fail and that fear of failure is not a reason not to do something, more often than not you will learn something from your mistakes.  Most of the time we tend to measure success by never having failed, but would we not be even more successful having failed a few times along the way?  Don’t let doubt or fear of failure stop you in your tracks from doing what you really want to do.  Is there anything in your life right now that you’re not doing because you are afraid that you’ll fail?  Imagine what you could potentially be missing out on having not followed your heart just because you were scared of failing?

Dream big and live well everyone.

Thought provoking Thursday: do this one thing to start living a creative and abundant life


How often do you not do something because you fear you may be wrong or that you may fail?  I know I am guilty of that and it is something that I’m working on.  If we are never wrong or we never fail, how will we ever learn?  Growth begins on the edge of our comfort zone.  Make a point of regularly living out of your comfort zone, you will be amazed at what this will bring into your life.  You are more likely to regret what you didn’t do rather than what you did do.  So go ahead, be a bit crazy, take a few chances and live on the edge.

POSITIVE AFFIRMATION FOR THE DAY: I love and respect myself, even when I am wrong or when I fail.

Tipsy Tuesday: never go hungry again


This is something I have been doing for a number of years, and it has saved me from inhaling (I would inhale the food because I ate it so fast!) whatever was in sight as soon as there was something around to eat because I was so so ravenous!  Whatever you do, don’t ever let yourself get too hungry without access to good quality food, that is the super highway to lack of will-power and disappointment because you couldn’t stop yourself from eating something that you know you shouldn’t  be eating.  Whenever I leave the house or know I’m going to be out without access to good quality food, I always put a piece of fruit in my bag along with a small container of nuts/dried organic apricots/raisins.  That means that if I’m ever caught short and feel hunger pangs, all I need to do is reach for my nuts/fruit and I will be okay for the next hour or so until I can get back home or find some good quality wholefood nearby.

It is a great habit to get in to, easy to do and will make the world of difference to you.  It takes minimal effort to pack these few things into your handbag/car but the results are great.

Go on, try it!