Thought provoking Thursday: 4 “agreements” to make with yourself

Each day I get a dose of ‘Daily Love’ straight into my inbox from Mastin Kipp who is the creator and founder of ‘The Daily Love’.  The daily quotes and bits of advice are sometimes just what I need to keep me focused and inspired.  The below came into my inbox on Monday and I really enjoyed reading it, I’m sure you will do too.

7 things to think about before starting a juice cleanse/fast


This post is a follow-on from the free 3 day juice fast menu I posted a few weeks ago.  If you missed it, you can access it here.  A few of you emailed me to ask me to do a post on things to think about when considering a juice fast.  There are a few things you need to be aware of which I have listed below, but the main thing I would advise is to “listen to your body!”.  If your body is severely reacting to your cleanse, then stop it or ease back on the juices to half of what you are currently consuming and then ease back into what you were doing before.  There will always be a few mild side effects to a juice cleanse (like headaches and irritability) because your body is detoxifying amongst other things, but the side effects should not be debilitating and if they are stop or ease back immediately.  Here are some tips:-

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Tipsy Tuesday: 1 tip that relieves 6 different health complaints & doesn’t cost a cent


Can you guess what it is??  I am a big fan of Dr Libby Weaver.  Dr Libby is one of AustraIasia’s leading nutrition and weight loss experts.  She has a passion for empowering people to make optimum health choices.  I read her book ‘Rushing Women’s syndrome’ and felt like the book had been written for me.  Since reading that book and using the knowledge that I gained from the book, I have begun to teach myself to slow down, started making a point of nourishing myself regularly and paid attention to my mind and what type of thoughts I have daily.  This is one of the keys to ensuring complete/true health on an ongoing basis.  Even if you have not had a health dilemma, paying attention to these things will improve the way that you feel and improve your life dramatically.  So, what is the one thing that can help elevate PMS, mood swings, anxiety, brain fog, poor sleep and stress?  Read on to find out:-

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Many different ways to cook with quinoa & tips to make your recipes “flop free”


I know I bang on about quinoa quite a lot, but it really is a truly wonderful, beautiful and versatile grain and the best part about it is that it is super quick and easy to whip up and it is a complete protein, unlike most other plant sources of protein which don’t contain all 8 essential amino acids.  You also get tons of iron and fiber in a serving of quinoa without the extra calories (this is important for those wanting to lose weight).  The thing is that I often get people saying to me that they don’t know how to make it taste interesting, all they do is boil it up in a pot and lay it on a plate like a side of rice (yuck!).  That is possibly the worst thing to do if you are trying to get your husband or friend or whomever you are cooking for to like quinoa.  So to save you from looks of disgust from your wannabe ‘MasterChef Judges’, here are 3 tips  and 10 quinoa recipes for you to try to make them come back for more:-

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Tipsy Tuesday: 3 quick & easy tools you can use for stress relief


My ‘Tipsy Tuesday’ tip this week is not about food, it is more in the ‘lifestyle’ category.  Can’t we all do with some great stress relief techniques in this modern fast paced, ever-changing world that we live in?  I know I do!  More and more I have noticed that modern health and wellness is not all about just being fit, it is more about having a good balance of being fit as well as nourishing your body with a healthy diet AND tending to your mind.  But before I bang on a bit too much about all of this, below are 3 useful tips you can use next time you find your stress levels rising, frustrated or about to explode at your kids/husband or unsuspecting pet!

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