SP Mindfulness Meditation Retreat – what was it about?


At the beginning of May, I had the opportunity to cook some healthy, nourishing meals for a group of very special girls that attended a Mindfulness Meditation Retreat organised by Shocking Pink.  Shocking Pink is a support group for young woman who have been affected by breast cancer and whom I became apart of when I was diagnosed in January last year.   Continue reading

Food Revolution Day : cook it, share it, live it – May 17th, 2013

FRD_LogoI discovered Food Revolution Day when I was shopping at our local fruit and veg store.  They had a poster up which immediately caught my eye.  When I got home, I went online to find out more and this is what I found.  Below is a video by Chef Jamie Oliver talking about Food Revolution Day and what it is all about.  All very exciting stuff!

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Tipsy Tuesday: Why you should freeze your lemons


Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or consuming
the entire lemon and nothing is wasted. How can you use the whole
lemon without waste? Continue reading

Thought provoking Thursday: What are you waiting for?



Is there something that you are putting off because you feel that you are ‘not quite ready’?  If we find ourselves in this position, we are usually procrastinating.  Just get on with it and do it, you will never feel totally ready and if you do feel ready the opportunity may have passed by then.  Get into it love! xx

Tipsy Tuesday – how to make a smoothie creamy without adding dairy



If you want to make your smoothie have a creamy type texture, add a frozen banana to it.  Freezing bananas is also a great way to minimize waste if your bananas have seen better days and you don’t want to throw them out.  I usually peel and freeze a few bananas at a time and when it comes to making my smoothie I just open up the freezer and pop a banana into the blender, easy!

Enjoy! x