A simple, free, easy technique to blow away stress that you can do anywhere


I had the opportunity to attend a ‘blow your stress away’ course over the past weekend which turned out to be not only eye-opening, but I was able to walk away from the course armed with techniques for combating everyday stress that will cost me nothing.  The course also gave us practical wisdom for improving the quality of our lives.  This is invaluable in the fast paced, overly stressed society that we find ourselves living in today.

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10 healthy alternatives to the ‘not so good for you’ foods that you enjoy


I believe that being healthy shouldn’t be painful, restrictive and time-consuming.  Being healthy is not about counting calories or denying yourself the foods that you love.  True health and wellbeing is about making smarter food choices.  I truly believe that if people educated themselves on how to cook from scratch, learnt about what foods their bodies really needed and started observing and listening to what their bodies were crying out for instead of eating emotionally, we would all be well on our way to leading much healthier, happier lives.  After all, what we eat affects the way that we feel, look, behave and sleep and ultimately how and when we die (unless you die of something totally unrelated to your health), so it would make sense to ensure that you make smart food choices at least 80% of the time.  Below are 10 easy healthy alternatives to foods that you think you love:-

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Tipsy Tuesday: what salt should you buy?


Salt, is salt, is salt, right?  No not really, it depends what has been done to it.  The worst kind of salt you can have in your pantry is normal plain old table salt.  Table salt has been stripped of most of its natural health promoting minerals just to look more aesthetic.  It may look lovely and white, but it doesn’t do you any good at all!  An easy and simple change that you can make is to buy unprocessed sea salt or Himalayan salt which still has all of its very important minerals which has not been stripped just to look good.  Rule of thumb is, the whiter the salt looks the worse it is for you…the more colourful it is the better it is for you.  This is an easy and cheap change to make in your pantry and the benefits will be numerous.

Share this tip with your friends if you found it helpful.


Munching Monday – warm, comforting and healthy tomato and bean soup


This is a heart warming, healthy and easy recipe which you can whip up in a flash.  Seriously this recipe is so fast to make and once you have chucked everything in the pot you can sit back and relax for 45mins.   My meat loving husband commented last night “this is seriously very tasty!”, quite something for someone who likes meat at every meal!  With the cold weather on its way, I thought it would be a good idea to post a few of my soup recipes.  Until a year ago I had never really tried cooking soup, but I’m glad I tried because once you have done a few, they are pretty easy to do.  Below is the recipe for the tomato and bean soup.  If you have a meat loving husband or family, you can grill some bacon and add it right at the end.  Here it is:

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5 things you should know about coffee


Okay, I promise this post is not going to be ALL about why you should quit coffee right now and start drinking herbal teas straight away.  This post is going to give you some things to think about next time you reach for that latte or cappuccino.  I still have a coffee once or twice a week because I feel like it, but I ensure I keep it to a minimum and here’s why:-

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