Munching Monday: a veggie juice to help reduce sugar cravings


If you battle with sugar cravings and tend to find yourself reaching for that sugary snack at about the 3pm mark, instead of reaching for your usual ‘fix’ why not try this apple, celery and cinnamon vegetable juice?  This juice has all the right ingredients to ease your sugar craving and balance your blood sugar levels thanks to the added cinnamon which is my favourite.  Here is the recipe:


2 apples

8 stalks of celery

1 dash of cinnamon

Juice the apples and celery and stir in the cinnamon at the end.


This recipe was from

3 thoughts on “Munching Monday: a veggie juice to help reduce sugar cravings

  1. The dash of cinnamon makes it really delicious!
    Also find some great tips on overcoming sugar cravings on YouTube:

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