A simple, free, easy technique to blow away stress that you can do anywhere


I had the opportunity to attend a ‘blow your stress away’ course over the past weekend which turned out to be not only eye-opening, but I was able to walk away from the course armed with techniques for combating everyday stress that will cost me nothing.  The course also gave us practical wisdom for improving the quality of our lives.  This is invaluable in the fast paced, overly stressed society that we find ourselves living in today.

One of the reasons  I was attracted to the course was that since my cancer diagnosis last year, I have decided to dedicate a lot of my time to learning, researching and digging deep to find out how to live my best life yet.  A life filled with happiness, contentment, self-love, purpose, authenticity and gratitude.  I’m doing this for many reasons, but one of those reasons being that if I was ever told I had 3mnths to live, (although it would be pretty cr*p news) at least I would know at the time that I would be living my best life and would be living with no regrets.  I believe we should all spend some time learning to live like that, cancer diagnosis or not.

Here is a really short 5min video which simply explains the effects that the breathing techniques have on our body and overall wellbeing.  From thinking more clearly, to lowering cholesterol, to better relationships, to detoxifying the body, this breathing technique does it all.  This really may be one of those ‘aha’ moments for you, I really encourage you to watch it.

So…what did you think?  Pretty amazing eh?  Did you also know that the body is able to eliminate up to 80% of its toxins through using breathing techniques alone?  Pretty amazing eh?!  So by adopting this breathing technique as party of your daily living, you not only get all the benefits mentioned in the video but you also will be detoxifying your body.  I have been doing the breathing for exactly one week now…to be honest I don’t feel much different yet, but they do say that you need to keep at it for 60 days before you start to feel noticeable changes within yourself (although this does vary).

So where are the courses held?  They are held all around the world, chances are that there is a course close to you.  Check out http://www.artofliving.org for a course close to you.  It really could be the BEST thing you ever do for yourself.  Please let me know how you get on and I will be posting about how I get on too.

Breath and live well everyone!

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