Tipsy Tuesday: what salt should you buy?


Salt, is salt, is salt, right?  No not really, it depends what has been done to it.  The worst kind of salt you can have in your pantry is normal plain old table salt.  Table salt has been stripped of most of its natural health promoting minerals just to look more aesthetic.  It may look lovely and white, but it doesn’t do you any good at all!  An easy and simple change that you can make is to buy unprocessed sea salt or Himalayan salt which still has all of its very important minerals which has not been stripped just to look good.  Rule of thumb is, the whiter the salt looks the worse it is for you…the more colourful it is the better it is for you.  This is an easy and cheap change to make in your pantry and the benefits will be numerous.

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2 thoughts on “Tipsy Tuesday: what salt should you buy?

  1. I did not know this! Thx for the tip Sam! Don’t use salt really but if and when we do then it should be the best! X

  2. And pink Himalayan rock salt is so pretty!! 🙂 our local grocery stores dont stock it but all health food stores usually do 🙂 x

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