Thought provoking Thursday: let go, what will be will be


When your life is unfolding in a way that you didn’t want it to, just remember, whatever will be will be.  A simple truth: You are exactly where you are meant to be right now and your life is unfolding just as it should even if the reasons are not apparent right now (a very comforting thought eh?).  You always have a choice as to how you would like to react to any given situation, that is what separates the winners from the losers.

Live well everyone xx

3 thoughts on “Thought provoking Thursday: let go, what will be will be

  1. Great post. I think we all should imagine ourselves in the future, like a few months. Always have that thought in your head and strive for it. If we can focus on that picture, we can make our dream a reality.

    • yup very true. It’s all about the law of attraction…what you focus on becomes you reality. Focus on the good and good things will come. Pour all your energy into good thoughts and actions. I have forgotten who said this, but there is a saying that goes like this “whether or not you think you can or you think you can’t, you will be right” – so very true.

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