5 smart easy ways to detox daily

I have something to confess.  Before I was diagnosed with cancer I would roll my eyes if anyone ever talked about detoxing.  I just put it down to another thing that I wasn’t doing which I should be doing, and I felt like it was another way of making me feel like I wasn’t doing the right thing once again.  After my diagnosis, I changed my attitude firstly because I literally feared for my life and secondly because I wanted to empower and educate myself so that I could take my health back into my own hands.

One of the things that I thought was pretty damn unfair was the fact that I thought I was relatively healthy before I was diagnosed with cancer.  I seemed to be healthier than the average kiwi, I ate relatively well and I exercised 4 days a week…that’s all I needed to do to be healthy right?  Ever since I dived head first into all things healthy and happy, I have learnt that there is far more to overall health and wellbeing than just being a fit, an average weight and eating a goodish (that’s probably not great grammar!) diet.  After all, I was all of that but I still managed to get cancer!  And let me tell you this was not just pure bad luck, it was a lack of understanding of what true wellbeing is all about and I feel that most of us are in the same boat.  So it is my goal to try to get as many people as I can to stop and listen to what I have to say and in turn make some positive changes in their lives which will contribute to their overall wellbeing.  Don’t wait for a health crisis to rear its ugly head before you take action, the time is NOW.

So instead of rolling my eyes and scoffing once again at the detox word, this time I chose to listen and I soon realised that the need to detox in our modern-day is essential and one of the many ways to ensure you really are healthy.  Do you need to detox?  Well, generally speaking, if you live in the city, eat fast foods or any genetically modified foods, smoke or live a stressful life, use mainstream beauty products and drink alcohol then yes you have toxins in your body and you need to help them get out.  To a certain extent our bodies naturally detoxify, but our bodies are not built to withstand the vast amounts of toxins we are inhaling and ingesting on a daily basis in our modern-day.

So, with the above in mind we need to give our bodies a bit of a ‘holiday’ (as I like to call it) and help it out a bit by helping it with the detoxing process.  Here are 5 easy ways you can do that:-

  1. Hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon.  The first thing to do when you step out of bed in the morning is to treat your body to some hot water with lemon.  This will aid the detoxification process which you body has already started overnight.
  2. Include one green smoothie or home-made vegetable juice into your diet daily.  Smoothies and vegetable juices contain heaps of vitamins, enzymes, minerals and chlorophyll which all help in the detoxification process.
  3. Be mindful about what you are putting onto your skin daily.  Remember that your skin is your body’s largest organ and therefore it can absorb a hell of a lot.  If you are applying moisturizer to it daily that contain all sorts of harmful parabens, chemicals etc you are putting your body under a massive amount of stress.  Choose natural beauty products that don’t contain all the nasties.  This includes your make-up too.
  4. Drink green tea instead of coffee.  If you are a lover of coffee (as most of us are), start by replacing one coffee a day with a green tea instead and see how you go.  The health benefits of green tea is as long as my arm…and perhaps yours too! 🙂
  5. Sweat!  Woohoo, this is an easy one!  Move that gorgeous body of yours and get a sweat up at least 30mins a day.  Sweating liberates toxins.

As you can see from the above, you can support your body daily by doing small detoxing rituals which are effortless and easy to incorporate into what may be an already busy life. 

Have you got any tips to help your body detox daily?  I would love to hear your comments below. xx

Source Files_Sam xox

2 thoughts on “5 smart easy ways to detox daily

  1. Great, simple pointa Sam and easy to incorporate into daily life. My detox thing at the mo is making sure I am drinking enough water. I try to start and end every day with a glass of healthy, chemical free water.

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